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I’ve been getting the “Error 5 right” message on my Roomba 650. The right wheel seems to have twice the resistance of the left wheel.
I took out the wheel module, opened it up and cleaned everything out. The problem persisted so I ordered a new wheel module. Still no luck.
Then I noticed something very odd: the wheel has normal resistance when it’s out of the Roomba but as soon as I lower it into place the resistance immediately doubles. Even with the battery removed this happens.
I’ve very meticulously cleaned out the wheel well and it makes no difference. I’ve also cleaned the optical sensors and tried doing the Spot/Dock reset. Nothing.
Any ideas??
I believe it is a loose connection of solder point near the plug. I used electric cleaner from radio shack and it worked again for a few seconds and then stopped. Need to figure out how to get into this area of the Roomba. Watching Youtube for the answer. Looks like the area is plastic welded shut. Either way I’ll get inside for a visual inspection.
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